
Green Check Done-for-you expert service
Green Check Complex and custom automations
Green Check Integrate all your apps
Green Check Fix broken scenarios
Green Check Business process audits

End your frustration with Zapier automation and manual tasks

Stitch your tools together

Zapier connects to thousands of apps already, so we can help you integrate most of your tech stack.

Automate repetitive work

You’re burning cash by having salaried employees doing repetitive, simple tasks—save them hours a day.

Cut out human error

Bottlenecks, inconsistency and speed don’t exist inside Zapier. Automations are triggered and instant.

How our Make consulting service works consultants advise you on the best way to connect your apps, automate actions between them and solve real business problems. Then, we go beyond consulting and build everything for you.

Step 1 consult

Here we scope out your inefficiencies, workflows, tech stack and goals.

Step 2

Workflow mapping

We map out every process A-Z that can be automated

Step 3

Done-for-you builds

We execute and quality check until everything works without bugs.

Step 4

Ongoing support

While we start with a simple project, we often unearth new opportunities.

Make logo  consulting for countless use cases

Our experts have built hundreds of processes for dozens of industries, with millions of automated actions.

  • Back office

    HR tasks, payroll, invoicing, ERP, HRIS, accounting, support, documents, compliance.

  • Marketing automation

    We automate all your marketing processes from lead captures, emails, newsletters, metrics, ads.

  • Onboarding

    Most client and employee onboarding, training and handoffs can be automated.

  • Sales processes

    Let’s build a sales machine by automating your funnel; email, follow-up, proposals, CRM.

  • Project management

    We’ll connect every step and tool in your project management flow from intake to finish.

  • eCommerce

    We automate Shopify, inventory, merchandising, reporting, shipping, customer service and more.

  • Agencies

    Agencies face churn and scale problems due labor-intensive processes—we solve this.

  • B2B

    We have clients in SaaS, services, IT, finance, real estate, medical, supply chain and logistics.

  • Data

    We automate data entry, collection, cleansing and reporting from nuanced and silo’d locations.

Let our Make consultants get your job done right

Whether you need help with a one-off project, or you need custom coding for highly complex automations involving several apps, we’ll get it done.

has no-code connections for thousands of popular apps

You can spend several hours learning, building and testing yourself, or you can hire the pros and get it done fast.

Reviews from our automation clients:

Look at what our clients say

Before Elevate Automations, our team was drowning in repetitive tasks. Their AI automation solutions streamlined our workflows, and now our employees can focus on high-impact work. The time saved is invaluable

James A
Bluecraft Consulting

As an insurance brokerage, we handle a lot of policy documents, claims processing, and client requests. Elevate Automations implemented an AI-driven system that reduced paperwork and response times significantly.

Tolu M
Riskview Insurance Brokers

Managing customer inquiries, vehicle service requests, and inventory updates used to be a nightmare. Elevate Automations connected our CRM, accounting software, and communication tools seamlessly using Zapier.

Aisha K
Trias Auto Solutions

Handling vehicle security installations and customer records manually slowed us down. Elevate Automations built an RPA solution that automated scheduling, invoicing, and customer follow-ups. We’ve cut our admin time by over 70%

Daniel E